APK Banca Remota BPA

APK Banca Remota BPA

Oleh: Henry Cruz


Peringkat: 4.7+ Unduhan: 687+ Ukuran: 209 MB Diperbarui: 15 April 2023.

Banca Remota BPA APK is a complete Application for managing mobile banking services in Cuba. This App provides a streamlined and easily accessible interface to all the features approved by your bank. With its easy-to-use features, it simplifies your banking experience.

One of the key features of remote banking is the ability to easily transfer using a camera or QR code. This feature is compatible with TransferMobil, making it convenient and hassle-free. In addition, the application allows you to customize the list of operations, allowing you to sort, hide, add, edit and more.

Supports three banks by providing remote banking service: BPA, BANDEC and BM. It also provides useful guidance on how to use the Service. Additionally, it provides an additional layer of security by allowing you to secure app access using biometric identification.

With remote banking, managing your Cuban banking services has never been easier. Its intuitive interface, convenient switching options and customizable features make it a must-have tool for anyone who needs efficient and secure mobile banking.

APK Banca Remota BPA

Unduh lebih banyak Apk serupa dari situs kami Apkfreeload.com.

Apa itu APK Banca Remota BPA?

Banca Remota BPA APK include visual improvements like Dark Mode and a new cover design that integrates widgets already added by Apple in iOS 14. Also, the font colors used in the settings section of the app and the font editing options in the menu offer more.

The user-friendly interface is pleasant without losing its intrinsic character. For this version, the developer aims to add a new country-based financial order function to each USSD code issued by different national banks, making remote banking more functional than previous versions.

Transaksi seperti pembayaran tagihan juga diotomatiskan oleh Banca Remota BPA APK. Memungkinkan pengguna menambahkan secara manual nama layanan tertentu, akun teman atau klien, dan berbagai kredensial; Tagihan gas, air, kedelapan, dan kelautan ketika saatnya tiba. Untuk membayar, Anda harus memilih pengguna atau layanan yang ingin Anda tagih tanpa menyimpan semua data.

APK Banca Remota BPA

Fitur Banca Remota BPA APK

  • Arsitektur: Banca Remota BPA memungkinkan komponen untuk dimodifikasi dan digunakan kembali.
  • Browser: Berdasarkan paket sumber terbuka.
  • SQLit: Basis data penyimpanan terstruktur yang dapat diakses langsung oleh aplikasi.
  • multimedia: Dukungan untuk format audio, video, dan gambar datar paling populer (MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF).
  • Mesin Virtual Dalvik: Basis panggilan instan seperti Java.
  • Telepon GSM: Tergantung pada terminalnya.
  • Tergantung pada perangkat akhir: Bluetooth, Edge, 3G, dan WLAN.
  • Itu tergantung pada perangkat akhir: Kamera Banca Remota BPA, GPS, kompas, dan akselerometer.

Aplikasi terbaik untuk mengelola mobile banking di Kuba.

APK Banca Remota BPA

Pekerjaan utama:

  • Shows all operations allowed by your bank in an organized and easily accessible manner.
  • Possibility of easy transfer using a camera or QR code (compatible with TransferMovil.)
  • Optimization of operational list. Allows you to sort, hide, add, edit, etc.
  • Supports 3 service provider banks. BPA, Bandec, BM
  • Help using the service.
  • Provides additional security by allowing you to secure application access using biometric identification.
INFORMASI TAMBAHAN tentang Banca Remota BPA APK adalah versi terbaru.

Membutuhkan Android -5.0 dan Lebih Tinggi

target: Android 9.0

Ukuran file- 209 MB

Versi saat ini: v2.3

Nama Paket: com.banca-remota-bpa

Peringkat – 4.5 +

Harga - Gratis

Ditulis oleh Angkatan Darat India

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