Project Code APK

Project Code APK

By: Thoplo Tech

Rating: 4.5+  Downloads: 20, 950+ Size: 11.4 MB Updated: December 20, 2022.

Project Code Apk is designed to provide beginners with tutorials, source code, and projects to increase their technical knowledge and share ideas. We hope to provide students with free, downloadable, open-source projects that are interesting and relevant. Contact us to join our Project Code Apk organization.

tl;dr DR We’re fast becoming the top open-source project and code organization: Project Code were designed to provide resources for interested people to expand their knowledge and share ideas. We hope to provide enough and relevant content to help all projects practice and help them in their day-to-day programming career.

We provide tutorials, free source code, and tutorials. Get started on projects that interest you. Please feel free to use it for educational purposes. The source code of the available projects is based on various programming languages such as C/C++, PHP, Java, Javascript, VB.Net, C#, Python, and Swift.

We are also a reference forum to find the source code of application projects. If you want to become a game developer or Android developer, we can help you get started with our list of game app projects and Android app projects. Feel free to choose your preferred language to start your project.

Apart from that, we also provide C Tutorial, C++ Tutorial, Java Tutorial, PHP Tutorial, Javascript Tutorial, and Python Tutorials for beginners. Visit the source code and project today to see how we can help you build your career!

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What is Project Code APK?

Nowadays Project Code Apk is very popular on phones and tablets. Everyone wants to use Android phones because they are easy to use and very reliable. Developing apps for these phones is very common and interesting for developers around the world.

On this page, you can download cool androids or ideas used for educational projects of B.Tech, BSC, MCA, etc. Download Android projects with source code, project report, and summary. Android projects include simple projects and complex projects, which can also be used for graduation projects. You can download the source of these android projects and set them on your local system for project performance.

If you want to explore and improve your Android skills, this article will help you. This is because we are here to bring you the best android project ideas with source code for you to choose as per your choice.

These project ideas are simple tips to help you meet the challenge of choosing the right project. In this article, we’ll look at project ideas for beginners and then move on to the more advanced ones.

An easy way to compile source code into APK

First of all congratulations! Your search for “how to compile source code in apk” brought you to the right place. This blog will highlight one of the easiest ways to convert source code to APK. First, let’s look at some terms and definitions that will help us get acquainted with the job, then move on to the approach. However, if you already know the definitions, feel free to skip to the last part of the blog. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Due to technological advances, the world today is more digital than ever. As users, we are using more and more apps and the app market is now filled with over a billion apps to choose from. However, due to these advances, our world has not only gone digital but is also evolving at a rapid pace.

Once closely associated with programming and development engineers, they have now been considered an essential skill required by the next generation. So, with continuous development, we sometimes find ways to turn the written source code into a fully functional APK file. That’s exactly what we’re going to do here.

Android project ideas for beginners

A tic tac toe game

Tic Tac Toe is a two-player game in which players must select X or O from a 3×3 grid. The first player can choose any position in the grid and both have one turn each. The player who places their three points in a horizontal,

vertical or diagonal line wins. In the backend, the game maintains a 2D array to store the current position of the 3×3 grid. A function is created to check if the box clicked by the player in the displayed grid is empty and decide whether to add their picture or not.

When o is next to x and vice versa. And if consecutive images match, it’s game over.

Photo management app

The next Android project idea for beginners is a photo management app. In this app, users can view all the images on their devices in a grid structure. They can also get new images to be saved on their device.

This is a very simple project, but it will definitely help you learn some important concepts. By creating this project, you will learn how an Android application interacts with the internal storage of any device.

You can also use the CameraX library to enable image capture options. You will also learn how to perform image editing using Picasso or other image libraries.

Ask for news

Let’s move on to the next project idea, a messaging application that uses an API (Application Programming Interface) to retrieve messages from the server.

The API acts as an interface between your application and your server, it fetches messages, and you display all of those messages in a RecyclerView in your application. Users click on a specific story and it opens in their mobile browser. In addition to building this application,

you will learn how to use libraries like Wally or Retrofit to make network calls and view images. You can extend this project for other purposes by adding different APIs.

Record request

The next Android project idea is the School Notes app. This app keeps track of the courses taken and not taken by the students. The teacher will regularly note student attendance and upload the notes.

The app will also have a parent module so they can track their child and coordinate with tutors. The admin is the teacher who connects the students and their parents.

They log in with their credentials and use the app. Students can view or download course notes uploaded by teachers in PDF format. Parents and students can view the attendance record.

Online exam application

Taking exams offline is really more, especially in times like Covid. Therefore, it is best to apply for the exam online where the exam can be taken without any confusion. The project is divided into two parts:

Administration module where exams can be scheduled, information disseminated and accounts of all candidates can be viewed or added, or deleted as needed. Candidate form where accounts are created or deleted to take the exam. Also, passwords can be changed in this form to protect your account.

Required tools/language: Android Studio, including Java, XML configuration system, Android emulator, Firebase authentication, and real-time database.

online voting system

Standing in line to vote and waiting for your turn is no less than a challenge. This is where the online voting system comes into play. This selector clicks on the snapshot and compares it to the data it already has.

And once the identity is verified, an OTP (Time Password) will be sent to their phone number. After that, voters can easily vote. It will have two modules: admin and user. Admins create and schedule polls and users vote. There will be OTP generation, face verification, and voting.

Train Food App

Passengers: A splash screen appears with various food items for passengers to order. Passengers can view all their checked baggage and status in a separate section. You can also view the current status of the delivery partner.

Carrier: Carrier can view all their orders along with their status like assigned, completed, rejected, etc. Food is ordered for the passenger at the restaurant and an available delivery man is assigned to deliver the package.

Demanded protection of women

Android Project Idea: A security app for women should provide maximum security to women. All you have to do is register on the app and as soon as you spot something suspicious, press the power button three times, and then your location will be sent to the nearest police station and emergency contacts. When the woman reaches a safe place, she can press the stop button. It will have three modules –

Admin module which manages the app shows user details and tracks location. The user module is used by women registered in the application. After registration, users need to add details like emergency contact, location, etc.

The Guardian module will be useful for users. You also need to register in the app.

Panchayat service request

This application will enable villagers to enjoy panchayat anytime, register complaints, and streamline the process of quick redressal. Projects, Programs, etc.

The arrivals (if any) in the app can be updated so that the villagers are notified. The application will have two modules – an admin module that will allow the admin to view and edit user details and a user module where users will create their accounts to use all the provided facilities and plans.

Application for a woman

This application has two modules – Admin Module (Recruitment) and User Module (Women/Job Seekers). Employers post job listings with details to find suitable candidates for a position, while job seekers apply for positions that suit them. Candidates can add their contact details, and upload their CVs, and social links (LinkedIn).

or Twitter), previous experience, areas of interest, expected CTC, and other similar things. You can view current vacancies and filter jobs based on your requirements. You can also see the contact details of the person posting the job. Recruiters can post job offers, search candidates by profile,

and view candidates’ resumes, and all other details. Recruiters can contact candidates directly using the chat function. Recruiters can also schedule interviews and candidates can attend. This means you need to add video conferencing capabilities to this app.

Online Bank

The next advanced Android project idea is the e-banking application. This application acts as an intermediary between users and banks. Users can create and manage their accounts, set or change passwords, and access banking services without being physically present.

You can transfer money online and your transactions will be recorded in the app. The app starts with a login screen where the user can either log in with an existing profile or create a new profile by pressing a button. After logging in, the user will be taken to their dashboard page and asked to create their first account.

Additionally, there will be a menu with all app options including dashboard, account overview (and subsequent transactions), deposits, payments, transfers, profile settings, and disconnection.

Hostel Management App

This application helps to better manage the hostel. Hostel managers can monitor hostel arrival and departure times and their daily income. This application consists of three modules:

Management: Users of this module have full control over hostel details and accounts. You can monitor all hostel activities like their movement and presence in the canteen.

Hosteller: Users of this module can access and view hostel check-in and check-out times.

Staff: The Staff user module will be able to update hoteliers’ schedules and mark their presence in the canteen.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about Project Code APK’s latest version.

Requires Android -5.0 and Up

Target: Android 9.0

Current Version: v1.2.1

Package Name:

Rating – 4.5+

Price – Free

Written by Indian Army

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