BooleanTT APK

BooleanTT APK

By: Hashan Chamara Rajapaksha


Rating: 4.7+  Downloads: 863+ Size: 8.7 MB Updated: May 30, 2023.

BooleanTT Apk is an online Application that helps you create and manage events, tasks, and other tasks in your daily life. It is designed to help you organize your work by deadlines, priorities, and schedules so that you can complete your work efficiently.

With Bulent, users can create to-do lists and calendars to track their tasks, events, and schedules. Users can also add schedules to track the progress of their tasks and tasks.

An important feature of BooleanTT Apk Full Premium is the ability to categorize tasks and events and tag them to find them easily. For example, users can tag works by priority, theme, or artist. Tagged tasks can be searched and sorted by those tags to make them easier to find and manage.

BooleanTT APK

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About BooleanTT Apk

BooleanTT Apk allows users to share their to-do lists and calendars with colleagues, friends, or family so they can participate or contribute to their tasks. This sharing can be done via email or links to to-do lists and calendars.

BooleanTT  Online also integrates with many other apps and services such as Google Calendar, Slack, Zapier, and Trello to streamline and streamline user workflows.

This is a great task management app with many useful and flexible features that help users manage tasks and events better.

Features of BooleanTT Apk

Create to-do lists: Users can create to-do lists and tag them to sort tasks by priority, topic, or artist. Task lists can also be rearranged or deleted.

Create a work schedule: Users can create a work schedule to track their events, meetings, and work hours. Work schedules can also be customized with start and end times, locations, and event details.

Add tasks: Users can add tasks to their to-do list with information such as title, description, progress, and due date. Users can also tag tasks to categorize them and find them easily later.

Add event: Users can add an event to their calendar with information such as title, location, time, and description. Users can also tag events to categorize them and find them easily later.

Tagging and searching: Bulent allows users to easily categorize and tag tasks and events to search for later. Users can search for tasks and events by tagging them.

Share tasks and schedules: Users can share their task list and calendar with colleagues, friends, or family so they can participate or contribute to their tasks.

BooleanTT APK

How to use the latest version of BooleanTT Apk

Download and install the Bulent mobile app or visit their website.

Sign in to your account or sign up for a new account if you don’t already have one.

After login, you will see the main interface of Bulent. There, you can create new to-do lists and calendars.

To create a new to-do list, click the ‘Add New’ icon on the main interface and select ‘To-do list’. Next, enter a title and description for your job posting. You can also tag a task list to categorize it.

To create a new task in the To-Do list, tap the To-Do List and then the Add New icon. Enter the job title, description, due date, and progress. You can also tag tasks to categorize them.

To create a new event in your calendar, click the ‘Add New’ icon in the main interface and select ‘Event’. Then, enter the event title, description, location, and time. You can also tag events to categorize them.

To find tasks or events, tap the ‘Search’ icon and enter a search keyword or search by tag.

To share your to-do list or calendar, tap the share icon and enter the email address or account name of the person you want to share it with.

With these simple steps, you can manage and track your daily life tasks and events with Bulent.

Hints and tips while using BullionTT Apk

Create a regular to-do list and schedule: Using Bulent is most effective if you create a regular to-do list and schedule. It prevents you from forgetting an important task or event and keeps your work organized.

Set tags to categorize jobs and events: This makes it easy to find specific jobs or events based on the tags assigned to them.

Prioritize tasks and events: Sorting tasks and events according to their priority will help you manage your time better. Identify important tasks and try to complete them first.

Sharing: If you work in a team or want to share your to-do list or calendar with others, use Bulant’s sharing feature.

Use the Bulent app to sync with your other devices – helping you access and manage your work and events across multiple devices.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about BooleanTT Apk the latest version.

Requires Android -5.0 and Up

Target: Android 9.0

File Size- 8.7 MB

Current Version: v2.0.7.2022

Package Name: hashan.haze.booleantt

Rating – 4.5+

Price – Free

Written by Indian Army

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